The first icehouse in the United States was constructed by Robert Morris in 1782. It contained the most technologically sophisticated refrigeration system in the fledgling United States. Utilizing the 54-degree constant temperature underground, but also an overwhelming mass of ice, good drainage, and the superinsulation of the building above the ice pit to provide refrigeration through hot Philadelphia summers.
The ice pit was a stone-lined octagon 13 feet in diameter and 18 feet deep. Many tons of ice were cut from a nearby river in winter, transported by wagon to the icehouse, and deposited into the ice pit. The blocks of ice fused into one giant mass. Gravel at the bottom of the pit drained water from melting, and thick stone walls and straw insulation minimized heat-loss from the icehouse above. Morris claimed that he was able to preserve ice from one winter to the following October or November.
The need for cold storage has been around since the dawn of industry
and OCS is proud to continue the service of providing customers with
climate-controlled solutions. We have been in business for over 20 years
providing a vast inventory of portable freezer/coolers, walk-in
freezers/coolers, climate-controlled transportation, and liquid/dry ice.
operate on 24/7/365 basis to meet the needs of our customers to
include: delivery/pick up, warehousing, transportation, and all aspects
of cold-chain logistics. Whether you need our services for a few hours
or for long-term needs, we’re always ready.